I provide regular media commentary on issues that relate to European & EU Politics (EU Politics, Populism, Brexit & Comparative Asian Politics).
I have provided recent analysis to international media outlets on topics such as EU Politics, Populism, Brexit and Comparative Asian Politics for CNBC, CNBC Asia, BBC, CNN, Politico, El Pais, Al Jazeera, South China Morning Post, Radio France Internationale, Bloomberg News, Politico, Yaxzhou Zhoukan (Asia Weekly), France 24, Ming Pao, El Pais, The Times, The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, RTHK, The Straits Times, The Hong Kong Economic Journal, Newsweek, The National Interest, La Tercera and Zetland, amongst others.
I have provided recent consultancy work relating to my research for the MSSc in Global Hong Kong Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), the MSSc in International and Development Economics (MIDE) Programme at Lingnan University, The Catholic University of Milan (Italy) and for the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR) (UK). I have previously provided consultancy work on opinion polling for The UK Liberal Democrats and I have experience working in the polling sector for the global market research company YouGov (UK).
I have also worked on collaborative research projects as a researcher for The UK in a Changing Europe Project alongside the Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe: Reframing Addictions Project (ALICE RAP) (Funded by the EU) and The European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong (EUAP).
For media or consultancy enquiries related to political risk analysis, party politics and opinion polling, please contact me via email at: on my LinkedIn Page.