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Teaching In



I am a passionate believer in research informing teaching. I hold a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching, from the University of Kent (UK) and a Professional Certificate of “Excellence” in Teaching from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (SAR, China).


Recently, I was awarded both the the prestigious CUHK Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award (2021) for Outstanding Teaching alongside the CUHK Faculty of Social Sciences Exemplary Teaching Award (2021) for Outstanding Teaching. I was Ranked First in the Faculty of Social Sciences at CUHK for my teaching in 2021. The CUHK Vice Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award is an award given annually to outstanding teachers of the University, one each from the eight Faculties and General Education Programme, whose achievements in teaching are considered by their peers and students to be of the highest order. During my PhD Studies at the University of Kent, I was also nominated for the Faculty of Social Sciences Kent Union Teaching Award.


I am currently in negotiation with the publisher SAGE about writing a groundbreaking textbook for Undergraduate students, based on my extensive teaching with the provisional Title: “Understanding Politics” (Tentative Publication Date: 2024).


From August 2022 (Autumn Term), I will be teaching the following courses in the School of Arts & Social Sciences at Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU):


(1) (POLS A122F) Foundations of Social Sciences: Political Science (UG Level) – Year 1 students
(2) (POLS A331F) Civil Society and Governance (UG Level) – Year 3 & 4 students


I draw on a wide range of Applied Flipped classroom teaching methods, such as Simulations (Model EU), Online Lectures & Group Discussions via Live Online Zoom & Panopto Softwares (with the Zoom Break-Out Feature), small scale interactive Tutorial style learning in Cafés alongside Applied Data Lab sessions and Online Group Project Presentations.


I have also conducted regular Undergraduate Admissions Talks at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, for the Faculty of Social Sciences. I also previously taught courses in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at The University of Hong Kong.


I teach courses (both Undergraduate & Masters Level) primarily in Comparative Politics (European and Asian Politics), Elections and Voting alongside Methodology (Quantitative and Qualitative Methods). I currently supervise undergraduate dissertation projects that relate to comparative politics (Populism in Europe & Asian Politics) alongside Electoral Studies and Party Politics.


I have taught on the MSSc Greater China Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. I have also been a Guest Lecturer/ Consultant for the Europe Asia Policy Centre for Comparative Research (HKBU) alongside the Master of Science in International & Development Economics (MIDE) at Lingnan University. These topics have related to Brexit, Populism, Developmental Economics and Comparative Asian Politics. Recently, I also contributed as a Guest Speaker for the HKU Online MOOC, “Europe Without Borders”.


I recently developed an innovative course in the Department of Government & Public Administration and at Lee Woo Sing College (CUHK) that examines the ‘rise’ of right-wing and left-wing populism in Europe. This is unique as it is the first course of its kind in Hong Kong. I place a strong emphasis on teaching and this is reflected in my excellent teaching evaluation scores in both Hong Kong and in the United Kingdom.


I have taught 20+ courses at CUHK from 2017-2022 and I have also supervised 15+ Undergraduate Dissertation Projects at CUHK to completion, in both the Departments of Government & Public Administration alongside Global Studies.


At CUHK, I have taught the following courses:


Comparative Politics

Course Code
Courses Name
GPAD 2145
Electoral Studies
GPAD 4142
Seminar in Comparative Politics
2021, 2019
GPAD 3161/GEWS 2111
The Rise of Populism in Europe
2022, 2021, 2020, 2018
GPAD 3160
Governance of the European Union
2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

International Relations

Course Code
Course Name
GPAD 2355/UGEC 2683
Globalization & Politics
GPAD 2395
Comparative Asian Politics
2019, 2018
GLBS 3403
The European Union & The World
2022, 2021, 2020

Research Methodology & Statistics

Course Code
Course Name
MPUP 5132
Methods in Public Policy Research (Masters Course, MSSc in Public Policy Programme)
GPGC 5005
Methods in Social Science Research (Masters Course, MSSc in Greater China Programme)
2022, 2021, 2019
GPAD 2111
Political Research Methodology
2021, 2019, 2018
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